5 Coin Collecting Myths

Lianna Spurrier | September 2022

There are plenty of myths out there about coin collecting, many of which are either objectively wrong or can dissuade new collectors. In this post we’ll take a look at some of the most widely repeated ones and address why they’re incorrect.

You have to be rich to be a collector.

Most headlines focus on expensive, record-breaking coins, but that’s not what the average collector focuses on. In fact, you’ll find that the vast majority of the hobby is made up of people applying very reasonable budgets to their collecting journey. It’s even possible to find collectible coins in your pocket change, paying no more than face value. All that matters is that you’re finding joy in whatever you choose to collect –and if that’s something inexpensive, all the better!

You should clean your coins.

If you take nothing else away from this article, let it be this: do not clean your coins. Doing so can significantly decrease the value unless done by an expert in very specific, market-acceptable ways. If you feel a coin is in need of conservation, talk to a dealer – they’re certain to reassure you that it’s better as it is. The market hugely values originality in coins, so the same look that you might find unattractive, someone else will love.

Infomercials are a…

Continued at American Numismatic Association.

Author: Edward Durfee


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