Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted to an attendance of nine members and two guests.
A discussion of “Want Lists” was tabled to enable collectors to offer member to member transactions to help complete or add to their collections. A list of “buffalo nickels” was sumitted to the club by a member to aid in his search. It was brought up that the usually gold Krugerrand is being offered in silver bullion 1 oz. as well as fractional pieces. That’s a first!
The topic of large cents was represented with a display of cents dating from 1793 to 1825. Gold coins consisted of a type set including the $20 and $10 designs sculpted by Augustus St. Gaudens, $2 1/2 and $5 gold with the revolutionary incused minting process, designed by Bela Lyon Pratt, along with a 1 oz. gold bullion piece and a $10 in MS 63.
Silver dollar examples were a proof-like 1880 Morgan, along with Peace and Eisenhower dollars.
The next meeting September 17, will be coins from the Scandinavian countries, Your Favorite Coin, Nickels of all types and other items of interest.