Minutes of 35th Meeting – January 22, 2019

The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted to an attendance of fourteen members and two guests.

The topic of Indian Cents included  copper/nickel pieces ( 1859-1864) and the key date 1877 and other semi keys  1908-s and 1909-s along with uncirculated examples.  Flying Eagle cents presented were from 1857 and 1858 which were the first made with the C/N composition. Benjamin Franklin Half Dollars were displayed with various dates, including a complete set from 1948-1963, and a 2006 Founding Father Franklin proof commemorative silver dollar. Coins and Currency, another topic was a South African note, a silver 1903 Queen Victoria medal, and a U.S. star note also featuring an ink blot.

Show & Tell had a variety of collectibles such as: a Mt. Rushmore paper weight, various types of silver bullion pieces consisting of  silver rounds, bullets and ingots, a 1946 Iowa Centennial commemorative half dollar, books on Central Park and Pearl Harbor. Another item was a vintage alarm clock radio, and an unusual sword made with Asian cash coins which the member asked if anyone had  some information on this curious piece.

Searching through rolls of nickels proved worthy for a member when he found a 1998 full step piece which looked flawless in a very high mint state condition and  was passed around for discussion.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 19, due to the holiday on Monday. The topics will be: ASIAN COINS or CURRENCY, BULLION RELATED ITEMS, UNUSUAL COLLECTIBLES and an item you came across that you had forgotten about, coins from INDIA  or any  topic of interest.