The minutes were read and accepted before our second seasonal Holiday Party was underway. The affair was appreciated by fifteen members and three guests. Two huge hero sandwiches with all the trimmings and a special cake commemorating our club, was enjoyed by all.
One of the topics for the month was INDIAN HEAD or “BUFFALO NICKELS”. Presented by a member, was a rare 1937 three legged nickel of this variety, which was caused by over polishing the reverse die on one of the buffalo’s legs and leaving just the hoof. A large metal novelty drink coaster of the same coin was shown to highlight this feature. Also, a collection was exhibited on this topic by another member.
The topic of favorite coins presented was a Standing Liberty Quarter, and rare modern Lincoln cent reverses. Holiday theme items were stamps, postcards and two cast iron banks which were demonstrated by the member. Other samples were a U.S. copper nickel three cent piece, a two sided reverse novelty Lincoln wheat cent, and a Crosley radio circa 1950’s.
During the break, Phil conducted a raffle and later read a letter from the RV Library thanking us for the $50 donation for the renovations at hand.
Next month’s meeting will be on TUESDAY JANUARY 16TH because of the Martin Luther King holiday Monday, and the topics will be: ROOSEVELT DIMES, UNUSUAL COINS OR OTHER COLLECTIBLES, HOW YOU STARTED THE COIN HOBBY OR OTHER HOBBIES you may have.